With our laser service you have various shapes at your disposal that can't be realized with our panel saws.From simple rectangles, to circles and rings, to complex polygons, our modern CO2-laser-systems can realize any shape as a laser cut.
Configure your laser parts according to your needs comfortable online with our practical Laser-Part-Configurator.
Plastic parts are, as the name suggests, custom plastic blanks made with a CO2-laser. A vector-based design drawing is converted with a special program into a format that is readable in accordance with the CO2-laser, whose contours are traced by the laser unit. The high-precision control of the X- and Y-axis enables extremely low manufacturing tolerances and guarantees the highest precision and absolute reproducibility in the production of laser parts made of plastic.
In contrast to the CNC-milling -achine, where the inner radius of a cut-out is determined by the diameter of the used milling head, a cut-out with acute-angled corners are also possible with a laser. In addition, with a laser significantly finer, detailed blanks or cutouts can be realized, since the cutting width of the laser is significantly lower than of a milling head, which is particularly noticeable at higher plate thicknesses.
The bevel, that is the rounding or bevelling of edges, as well as subsidence, for example for the flush screwing of two plastic parts with countersunk screws, is with a CO2-laser not possible. Also, machining the Z-axis is not possible with a two-dimensional laser system, as we use it for our plastic-laser-parts.
In our Online-Shop, we stock a variety of different plastics for a wide variety of applications with a wide variety of properties. Some of them can be cut with a CO2-laser system, but not every plastic is equally suitable for laser cutting.
The lasering of plastics requires not only a certain amount of experience, it also requires a constant monitoring of the laser process itself, because when cutting the plastics, gases form, which can ignite in the worst case. The plastics that we offer in laser cutting also produce gases, but these are harmless and are sucked out of the closed laser housing by strong suction. This exhaust air is cleaned in the later process via a filter system.
There are plastics, such as PETG, where lasing can produce so toxic gases that can pose a hazard to humans and the environment, which is why we can not offer these plastics in laser cutting. PVC can not be lasered for an other reason. This is because hydrochloric acid, which attacks the laser bed and makes the laser system unusable in the worst case, is produced during lasering. In addition, there are plastics that can basically be cut with a laser, such as PE-HD in the color natural, but the cut edge of the laser part does not meet our quality standards, so we do not offer these plastics as laser parts.
Plastics that we can offer as laser parts:
Our configurator for laser parts made of plastic is constructed in two steps. In the first stepthebasic shape has to be selected. There are 14 basic forms to choose from, which can be customized using the input fields. In the second step optional drilling-holes can be chosen. Here, depending on the selected basic form, you can choose again between different standard positions, which can then be activated or deactivated via the input fields or checkboxes.
All input fields are equipped with a small explanation (a so-called tooltip). Hold the mouse pointer briefly above the question mark so that the explanation of the input field is showed. For mobile devices with touch display (tablet, smartphone, etc.), activate the tooltip by tapping the question mark. Hover the mouse over the icon or tap outside the displayed text to hide the tooltip.
Instead of a product image, you see the main image as the representation of the basic shape, which changes according to your input to the scale to get a graphical control over the entered values. This happens as soon as all necessary information for the representation has taken place in real time and adapts immediately after changes have been made. The basic shape tab shows the outer contour of your individual laser part in orange. In the drilling-hole tab, the holes you place are shown in orange. The basic shape of the laser part along with the basic dimensions are greyed out to make it clear that these parameters are not affected by the entries in the drilling-hole tab.
When the first call is made, the Basic tab with the basic form rectangle is activated by default. To change the basic shape, simply select one of the 14 graphic icons.
Basic FormRectangle
In the basic rectangle, there is one input field for the length and the width, each of which must be entered in millimeters (not centimeters) in order to configure the desired rectangle. The minimum values and the maximum values are displayed in the respective input field.
Basic FormRectangle with rounded corners
As with the rectangle, the rounded rectangle also has an input field for the length and the width, each entered in millimeters (not centimeters), to configure the desired rectangle. The minimum values and the maximum values are displayed in the respective input field. In addition, there is one input field for each corner in which the respective radius of the relevant corner can be entered. If nothing is entered, the corner will not be rounded and a right angle will remain. It is possible to enter a separate value for each corner of the rounded rectangle. The maximum possible radii are automatically determined on the basis of the shorter side (length or width) and displayed in the respective input field.
Basic FormCircle
In the basic circle form, there is only one input field that determines the radius of the circle in millimeters. Please note that the circle diameter is twice the value. The minimum radius as well as the maximum radius are displayed in the input field before entering.
Basic FormCircular Ring
With the basic shape circular ring, the input field for the outer diameter determines the total size of the circle in millimeters. In addition, an inner diameter in millimeters must be specified, which determines how large the cutout for the annulus should be. The maximum value of the inner diameter depends on the outer diameter. Here, minimum and maximum values can be taken from the placeholders in the input field. With the optional input field offset, you determine how far the section should be moved from the center to the edge. If nothing is selected, the cutout is centered. The maximum value is displayed in the input field and depends on the outside diameter and inside diameter. If the difference between the two values is too small, it may be possible that no offset to the center is possible.
Basic FormEllipse
For the basic shape ellipse, enter the total length (or width) and total width (or height) of the ellipse in millimeters. The radii of the ellipse as well as the shape are automatically determined by the entered parameters. The minimum values and the maximum values are shown in the respective input field.
Basic FormSemicircle
With the basic shape semicircle it is also possible to specify a length and a width. Please note, that the width, entered in millimeters, defines the radius of the semicircle, while the length determines the diameter of the semicircle. If an exact semicircle and no semi-ellipse are to be configured, the input for the width thus corresponds to half the length. Which values are possible to create a laser part as semicircle is displayed in the input fields..
Basic FormQuadrant
For the basic form quadrant, it is also possible to select a length and a width, so the term quad-ellipse would probably be more appropriate, unless the two inputs have the same value. As with all shapes, the values must also be entered in millimeters here and the minimum values available and maximum values are shown within the input fields until you make a valid entry.
Basic FormOctagon
The octagon may also be aptly called a rectangle with beveled corners and, like the rectangle, has one input field each for length and width, each entered in millimeters (not centimeters) to configure the desired rectangle. The minimum values and the maximum values are shown in the respective input field. In addition, there is one input field in each of which the individual value for the respective bevel of the corner can be entered. If nothing is entered, the corner is not bevelled and a right angle remains. An angle for the slope can not be defined. This is always 135 degrees as soon as a value is given. Similar to the rounded rectangle, the maximum values of the bevels refer to the smallest value of the length or width.
Basic FormRight angle trapezoid
With the basic shape right-angled trapezoid, it is possible to specify a total length and a total width in millimeters whose maximum values are to be taken from the placeholder text of the respective input field. In addition, there is the option of defining the length of the shorter, right-hand side using the third input field labeled length right. The maximum value for the right length corresponds to the value of the entered total length. Please note that the two lower angles always give a right angle.
Basic FormTriangle
In the basic triangle form it is possible to create a triangle with any angles resulting from the inputs length, height and offset of the tip to the center. Entered in millimeters, the lower side length (also called base length) of the triangle is defined with the input field Length. The input field height determines how high the triangle should be. With the last input field offset of the tip, the upper tip can be moved from the middle to the left. If nothing is entered, the tip is positioned exactly in the middle of the triangle. If the value equals half the length, a right triangle is created. If the value exceeds half of the base length, the peak extends to the left side beyond the base length. It should be noted that the total length of the triangle must not exceed a certain maximum value. This results from the base length and the offset. The values that are minimum and maximum possible should be taken from the placeholder texts in the relevant input field.
Basic FormRight Angle Triangle
In the basic shape Right Angle Triangle, it is possible to enter the length and width of the triangle. This information must be given in whole millimeters and must not fall below certain minimum values, and must not exceed certain maximum values. Within the input field for the laser part, the relevant minimum and maximum values are shown as long as no valid value is entered.
Basic FormRhombus
The basic shape rhombus could also be referred to as arbitrary quadrangle, because depending on the made inputs the laser part is no longer exclusively a diamond shape. The first two input fields for length and height specify the total length and total height in millimeters. The following four input fields are optional. The field length left up, defined the length of the upper left. If this field stays empty, the upper point of the rhombus is placed in the middle, depending on the total length. The field length bottom left to see, many millimeters from the left, lower corner from the lower corner point set to be. If nothing is entered, the bottom corner of the rhombus is centered on the total length. The left corner of the right corner of the right corner of the right corner of the right corner. If no value is entered in one or both of these fields, the left or right corner is positioned in the middle in relation to the total height. As always, minimum values and maximum values are also taken into account for all input fields which can be taken from the placeholder texts of the corresponding field.
Basic FormStar
In the star basic form, use the outer radius input field to set the radius from the center to the outer tip. The inner radius, defines the indentation of the star as a function of the outer radius. That means, here you need to enter how far the distance from the middle to the inner tip should be. This information must be given in millimeter increments taking into account minimum and maximum dimensions. As the name suggests, the input field number of peaks specifies how many points the star should receive.
Basic FormPolygon
In the basic polygon you can, similar to the circle, set an outer radius in millimeters, which determines how large the laser part should be lasered. The diameter always corresponds to twice the radius. The number of corners input box lets you specify how many corners your polygon should have, depending on the outer radius. The minimum number is always 5. The side lengths of the polygon result from the number of corners and the outer radius and are all identical.
Not all basic shapes can be provided with holes via the configurator. In addition, the type of positioning, as well as the number of choices for the holes can vary from basic shape to basic shape.
Input box hole size
By entering the diameter field, you choose how large the diameter of the desired hole should be. The entry is valid for all holes that should be placed and can be made in tenths of a millimeter (equivalent to 0,01cm), but should not fall below a minimum value of 2,0 mm, and should not exceed the maximum value of 20,0 mm. Depending on the size of the laser part, the maximum size can be smaller, or the input can be completely blocked if the safety distance to the edge of the laser part would be too low. The values that can be entered for the size of the hole, depending on the size of the laser part, are shown within the hole diameter input field.
Input box the edge distance
Decide how far the holes should be placed from the edge. It should be noted that the edge distance determines the distance from the center of all holes to the respective edge and varies depending on the size of the hole and the size of the laser part. As the diameter of the holes increases, so the minimum margin does. The maximum value always refers to the shortest side length (or radius) of the selected basic shape and takes into account a safety distance between the holes themselves.
Drilling-holesNo drilling-holes
This drilling-hole type is enabled by default to ensure that no holes are drilled accidentally. No holes are placed on the laser part. Entries for hole diameter or edge distance can not be made.
In the centered hole, a hole of the desired size is placed in the middle of the laser part. An indication of the edge distance has no effect on the position of the hole. This drilling-hole type is not available for all basic shapes.
Drilling-holesSelection fields drilling-holes
Depending on the basic shape, there are no, one or more choices, to activate or deactivate drilling holes at specific positions via a checkbox. Where these holes are set can be taken from the identifier of the selection box. Please note that the holes are not activated until valid hole size and edge distance values have been entered. If a template for holes with selection fields is selected, these are all activated by default, but can be deselected by deactivating the selection field.
Drilling-holeInput fields drilling-hole
Depending on the basic shape, there is no one or more choices to position holes in any amount on one or more sides of the base shape. On which side the drill holes are attached, you can see the identifier of the input field. The maximum feasible number of holes varies depending on the size of the basic shape, the hole diameter and the edge distance. It is always considered a safety distance between the holes, so that the holes do not pass through a faulty input. If you enter a value, note the following: If the value equals 1, the hole is placed in the middle of the corresponding page. If the value is 2, the holes are made at the outer corners (depending on the basic shape, a number 1 is automatically set for the holes on the adjacent side). If the value is larger, the desired holes are drilled on the available distance from the outer corners.
Drilling-holeDrilling-hole every 2nd/3rd corner
With the polygon, it is possible to drill holes in each corner. In addition, depending on the number of corners, there is another selection box that determines whether holes should be drilled only in every second (or third) corner.
NOTE:If you are in thedrilling-holes tab and want to switch to thebasic form tab, all holes are reset to prevent unwanted positioning of holes on the laser section.
Our standard delivery program for lasered plastic parts includes:
On request we also offer:
When and whether a plastic can be cut in the CO2-laser-cutting-process depends not only on the choice of materials, it also often depends on the type of use. Many finished parts can be implemented with a laser much filigree and more detailed than, for example, with a CNC-milling-machine. In addition, the reproducibility of mass production depends on fewer factors. While milling must be done with the same type of milling head, constant vacuum, feed rate and many other factors, the laser only has the laser unit used, the power and the speed of the laser unit.
Especially with small-scale plastic parts such as PTFE-gaskets or perforated plates with fine holes at short intervals, the manufacturing tolerance, which depends only on the laser unit used, usually not feasible with another method or is less cost efficient.
Typical examples for the use of laser parts made of plastic
With our CO2-laser-systems it is on the one hand not possible to laser plastic parts with a thickness of more than 10 mm and, on the other hand, we are restricted to a maximum size of 1590 mm length x 980 mm width due to the design-type. In addition, not all plastic sheets (for example, polycarbonate, PVC or PETG) are suitable for laser cutting. If you need individual molds made of plastic, which are not possible with our laser systems, they can usually be realized on our modern CNC-milling-machines.
In this case we ask you to send us a request with a sketch or a design drawing by E-Mail stating the desired plastic, as well as the required strength and quantity. Our professionally practiced sales team will get in touch with you immediately and send you a customized offer incl. shipping costs by E-Mail.