Learn which 4 steps are very important for us to give you more performance, more choice and a better usability of the online shop.
We are continuously working on improving our services. This applies in particular to the online shop and the expansion of our product range, because we regularly receive requests for plastics that are either not available in the standard delivery programme or are required in certain colours, thicknesses and formats that are not available via the online shop.
At S-Polytec, we strive to meet all customer requests so that we can achieve a perfect solution for almost every customer.
As a specialist dealer for plastic sheets, it is important to us to offer the most common plastics in the most common formats via our online shop. So far, this has always worked out very well. In addition, we want to offer our customers an easy way to find the perfect plastic for the respective purpose.
In order to position ourselves even better in the standard delivery programme, we analyse every single search query that is carried out via the online shop's search function and, if possible, redirect it directly to the appropriate product in order to offer you the greatest possible convenience.
We take a closer look at search queries that are used more frequently.
This is especially true if they refer to products that are not yet available in the shop and can therefore only be ordered on request. But we also analyse search terms that refer to specific properties of the plastics very precisely and process them accordingly.
If search queries are recurring and refer to a special product, a special plastic, or a special property, it is decided in which form we can optimise the hits.
In the simplest case, the search request is for a special plastic that is not available in our shop. If this is the case, these plastics will be added as further plastic sheets, if possible. You may already have noticed that we have added a large number of new plastic sheets to our standard delivery programme in the past month.
If the search queries refer to a certain property, they are redirected to the corresponding plastic sheets that meet this property. However, this is not so easy, because if several plastic sheets have a certain property, we can either roll the dice and refer to only one plastic sheet, or we do it sensibly and write a detailed blog article about the corresponding property, in which we not only discuss the property as such, but also list which of our plastic sheets correspond to this property. In doing so, we have made it our goal to be as simple and yet detailed as possible and also to list all the advantages and disadvantages of the corresponding plastics.
Of course, this list will be expanded in the coming weeks and months, so that you can not only order plastic sheets at favourable prices from S-Polytec, but also acquire the relevant expertise at the same time.
If you are missing a topic or would like to see a blog article on a particular property, processing technique or special plastic, you are of course also welcome to send us an email.
If the search queries are for specific products that cannot be easily assigned to an existing category, the process is somewhat more complex. If it is simply a different plastic that can be added as a cut-to-size plastic sheet or as a standard sheet, this is still relatively simple.
However, the situation is different when it comes to new product categories such as solid bars or hollow bars. Here, not only a category has to be created, but also the corresponding parameters such as diameter, length and the price calculation have to be adjusted. This requires more detailed planning, but we can already tell you that we are working on it and that it is only a matter of time before solid bars, profiles and hollow bars can also be ordered via the online shop.
If the search is used, this is a sign for us that the corresponding product is not easy enough to find, so we have to work on the user-friendliness of the online shop. After all, it makes no sense to include more and more plastics or semi-finished plastic products in the shop's product range if they are not easy enough to find.
Redirecting the search terms to the appropriate product is a small step towards improving the user-friendliness of the online shop. Even though the shop meets the most modern standards, has extremely secure https encryption and very fast loading times with low data consumption, there is still a whole range of other ways in which we can simplify the usability of the shop for you.
Here, too, we sat down together with our programmers and talked about possible improvements in terms of usability or presentation on the most diverse end devices, which are to be implemented in the near future.
When these changes will be implemented and what they will be, however, remains our little secret for the time being. So you can remain curious.